Giveaway is Closed! Winners Announced!

Yesterday was just "one of those days". You know the days! Where nothing goes right!! My wifi is on the fritz....again (and The Ballplayer is having withdrawals from his xbox live) the alarm system in our new "old" house won't turn off and nobody knows how to fix it! Thanks
But in the craziness some amazing things happened! I received an award that I will be stunned over for days. My best friend mentioned my blog on a website and I didn't even know she knew about my blog. And then, I received a box of Country Bob's Sauce in the mail!! No really! Somebody actually wants to hear what I think about their product!!! What a trip!! And a bigger trip is that they are going to give away a bottle of their yummy sauce to TWO readers!!! No joke!!
I've seen Country Bob's Sauce in the grocery stores before. It's next to all the specialty sauces. The thing that instantly appealed to me was the ingredients! All natural! You will find all the ingredients in your kitchen. No words that a fourth grader couldn't pronounce (or me for that fact.)
The owner of Country Bob's Sauce sent me a cool pamphlet of recipes which is too cool. A lot of thought has gone into this company. Recipes! All natural! It's mom friendly! And yummy! You see I stuck my finger in the bottle (shhh don't tell anyone) and it's gonna taste yummy on my chicken. I had planned on bbqing some chicken but The Fireman took a little too long on the golf course today. I won't step on his toes with bbq'ing (often) so I opted to roast them. Equally good. I served the sauce on the side. The Fireman loved it! He's not a sauce guy but it sparked memories of BBQ sauces served as a child in a restaurant frequented with his grandfather. I thought it was a sweeter version of an A1 steak sauce. In fact, I felt it would be best served on a steak or hamburger. It was great on the chicken but I excused myself from dinner to take a steak out of the freezer to cook the next day. I have to have it on beef. I just know it belongs on beef.

So in honor of my crappy day, if you would like to win a free bottle of Country Bob's Sauce. ( Free! I like free! ) Here's what you have to do!
Win It!
Giveaway rules
Mandatory Entry
1. Tell me what you would use Country Bob's Sauce on if you win! Your email address must be visible in your entry comment.
Extra Entries
2. Become my fan on Facebook (one comment)
3. Follow my blog through Google connect (one comment)
4. Follow Shamrock & Shenanigans on Twitter (one comment)
5. Tweet my giveaway! And leave the URL in a comment. Tweet daily and comment daily.
Giveaway ends April 16th at 9:00 PST
Please leave your email address so I can email you when win!
Winner will be randomly ( picked and emailed. Winner will also be announced on Shamrocks and Shenanigans!
Dear FCC: Country Bob's Sauce & I have a relationship of mutual consent and a prenuptial. And yes they don't mind if I share my views (good or bad) in exchange for a little goodness!
I would use it on meatball subs!
theredheadriter (at) aol (dot) com
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theredheadriter (at) aol (dot) com
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theredheadriter (at) aol (dot) com
I think I would use this sauce on some ribs!
megan (dot) hartman (at) gmail (dot) com
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megan (dot) hartman (at) gmail (dot) com
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megan (dot) hartman (at) gmail (dot) com
I would use it on hamburgers cooked on the grill! YUM!
boobiesbabiesandablog AT gmail DOT com
FB Fan, of course!
GFC Follower (BoobiesBabies&ABlog)
Cool blog, I'm a country Bob sauce fan too, I used it all the time.
now I'm following your blog.
I am a fan on facebook! :)
Stopping by from UBP10 to say Hi! Great blog! I am your newest follower!
I would use it on everything I grill. I think it would be really good with pork.
I would use it when we grill some chicken.
I would use this to grill.
psychopathicpixie @
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I have some and I used it on grilled chicken! It was fabulous. I plan to use it on pulled pork next!
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melanie bleile
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melanie bleile
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On my baked potato
Diane Baum
on steaks.
i would put it on my eggs!
actorsdiet (at)
I would use it on steaks, burgers, chicken EVERYTHING!
I am a fan on GFC
I now follow on twitter bewitchinkitch
I would try it on some burgers! Time to fire up the grill!
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At our house it is put on everything from fries to fish.
I am a facebook fan-Darlene E.
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I've used it on hot dogs. Good.
I would use it on hamburgers!! yum!!
I think today I'm in the mood to put it on pork chops!
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
Mmm...I'd use it on sandwiches! I love BBQ sauce!
I'm your latest GFC follower!
@busyworkingmama is not following you on twitter
I'm sure my husband would insist we try it on pork chops! Sounds yummy!
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I would use it on Hamburgers
frugalsciencegal [at] gmail [dot] com
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frugalsciencegal [at] gmail [dot] com
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We use it mainly as steak sauce.
cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com
4/14 tweet
I would use them to make some seitan ribs.
juxta.umino {at} gmail {dot} com
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juxta.umino {at} gmail {dot} com
I would use it to make crockpot pulled pork!
I would use the sauce on chicken and beef! Yummy!!
I follow you on Facebook (LovelyRita Ann)
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I would love to try this on a grilled chicken breast.
on chicken yum!
On boneless pork!
I would use it to make wings with!
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I think it would be good smothered on some ribs!
I would use it on meatloaf.
I would be most likely to use it on burgers
gfc follower
Homemade meatloaf and my husbands crock pot chicken
I'm following you on google friend connect.
BBQ chicken in the crockpot for this sauce! Yum....
Country Bob's is yummy. It's the only steak sauce we use. I use it on hamburgers, steaks, chicken. YUMMY
Oops forgot email here it is
ozzykelley1 at yahoo dot com
I'd use it in my chicken and onion panini sandwiches!
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
I would use it on chicken and steak, thanks!
I would use it on some slow cooked chicken wings :)
yawkar618 at yahoo dot com
follower through google connect
yawkar618 at yahoo dot com
Hamburgers on the grill. I'm hungry:)
Thank you.
I would try it on some burgers
I will make meatloaf
I would use it to make BBQ Chicken Pizza.
I am a friend or yours on Facebook.
Annette Anderson
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