Ever so surprised when Melissa at Mommy Living the Life of Riley! passed out an award to my site! You really should check out her blog! She has great reviews and some awesome giveaways. This I know because I am always entering everything!
In the spirit of getting awards, I get to now pass it along to eight other blogs that are always up front and honest (or just tell it like it is!) I also get to share a ten things you didn't know about me.
*I am insanely into reality television. The cornier the better. I record every Real Housewives show there is. I love watching other peoples' drama! Just dont bring that drama into my house!
*I love baseball and can watch any game from Little League to Major Leagues. It is slow enough that I understand it!
*I had to delete the shopping channels off my channel lineup! I can get sucked up into watching anything that is for sale!
*I dont shop with credit cards. I am fiercely against them after getting in debt right out of high school. My motto is; If you can't pay cash or use your debit card, you don't need it!
*I live for summer lake trips but hate camping! I want to relax while on vacation and sleeping in a tent or even a trailer is not relaxing. Sleeping in your own bed after playing all day on the water is heaven!
*I dreamed about living a suburban lifestyle and now I dream of going back to live in the sticks. Yup! You can take the girl out of the country but you cant take the country out of the girl!
*I am obsessed with shoes. I own some that still have tags on them or have never been worn. Hot pumps look good even if I am ten pounds up!
*I dont wear my wedding ring unless I am leaving the house and sometimes I even forget to then. Hey everyone knows I am married to The Fireman! Have you seen how tiny my hands are? I don't need to prove anything anymore!
*I am as much a California girl as I am a Idaho girl. Yep! And they do grow more than potatoes there! If they didn't have a winter, I would move back. (Spoiled?) The nicest people you could ever ask for live in Idaho. I am forever trying to sell Idaho to my California friends and honestly, I dont think my Idahoans want Californians moving there, so maybe I should stop!
Now the blogs that I cherish;
Meg at A dash of Nutmeg recipes and laughs
Shelli at These are the salad years this mom is funny! There should be a warning!
Susies QT Pies need a shout out or some support..this is your girl!
Fab Find Foodie-want a giveaway? a recipe? a review? She's got it!
JAM at Jam's Own Reality Because none of moms are Just A Mom!
Miller Moments everything you ever needed to know to homeschool. Makes me wish my kids were little again..ok maybe not!
Can I get the recipe? Because foodies love to recommend other foodies!
and lastly...Let's have a cocktail! OMG I laugh so hard reading her blog. If you didn't guess, its about alcohol but dont let that scare you away
Thank you to these bloggers for always being straight forward and honest, whether it be on their blogs or commenting on mine. Please do not feel obliged to participate. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate your blogs and your honest opinions.
Aahhhh shucks! Thanks for the award. Idaho isn't so bad is it? We are probably headed down next week to look at houses! I love the housewives too, especially new york and l.a.
Congrats on your award and thanks for passing it along to me. I'm a big reality tv nut too! Love the Orange County girls!
I also gave you an award on my blog! You must be awesome! Come by and pick it up when you can ☺
Congratulations on your award. I agree, the blogging world for the most part has the most amazing people!! I am so glad to be a part of it.
I am not a camper either!!
Congrats on your award and thank you so much for thinking of me!
First, Congrats on your well deserved award!!
And Second, THANK YOU for thinking of me!!!! How wonderful!! You have given me my first award! :)
BTW..I feel so bad because I just now saw this!! Please forgive me! :)
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