Here is another alternative for your St. Patrick's Day feast. This one may become your favorite though and I guarantee will go really well with a Guinness beer. I made this dish with Jack Daniels but there isn't a shortage of Irish whiskey in our house.
I have a weakness for steak covered in sauce. It is not very popular in this neck of the woods. Here, steak is cooked slow over oak wood. It is flavorful and shouldn't need a sauce. But I can't help it! Maybe it is because I grew up eating cheap cuts of steak. Sauce was used to make it taste better. Whatever the reason, I am stuck on a nice sauce. This one is made out of Jack Daniels. Hello Jack!!! Don't worry, all the alcohol cooks out. This sauce is peppery. Is that a word? It is bold. The sauce was so good that I found myself dipping my potato in it.
Whiskey Peppercorn Steak
3-4 good sized steaks (I prefer Ribeye, The Fireman like New York)
1 TB canola oil
1 TB cracked black peppercorns (you just stick them in a bag and give them a good whack!)
1/4 cup finely diced onions
1/4 cup Whiskey (Hello Jack!)
1 cup beef broth or stock
1/4 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup finely chopped parsley
Put the Peppercorns in a zip-lock bag and pound with a rolling pin until it is good and cracked. I like mine more cracked than most. You could just run it through a pepper mill!
Take the steaks out of the fridge 30 minutes before you plan on cooking. Very important. Season them with some Kosher salt (no pepper) and set aside.
Heat oil in the pan on high heat. I would love to say that I am using a cast iron pan. I should be saying I am using a cast iron pan but things happen when you move. Bear with me. Once the pan is smoking hot (literally) put the steaks in the pan and turn the heat down to medium high. You hear me telling you this a lot. My stove is not reliable and it takes too long to cool down. Plus my fan isn't what it should be...
Let them cook for a good four minutes. Don't move them and dont turn them! The Fireman likes to do that. Don't touch my meat!!! You will completely know it is time to turn when it gets enough crust that it flips with out taking the pan with you. Be patient. It really is about four minutes.
Once you flip, turn the heat down...I know, again but there is a method to my madness. We are turning it down so it doesn't overcook. Stay on top of it at this point. I like mine medium. Just medium (about 135 on a meat thermometer) but The Fireman likes his burnt...crisp...shoe leather! Once your steak is perfect, put on a place on a plate. Do not cut into it thinking you will just have a bite while the sauce cooks! You will ruin the steak! It needs to rest so it will be juicy (despite The Fireman's being shoe leather)
In the same pan, add the onions and saute until they get just a tad of color to them.
Add the Whiskey (Hello Jack!) and scrape the bottom of the pan. Add the peppercorns. Add the beef stock/broth and turn up to high heat. You are going to let it all thicken about 5 minutes.
Now add the cream. I love cream. I love Butter. This isn't about Butter but you mention cream and I go nuts. Back to the sauce. Give the cream a minute to mix in with the sauce. Let it thicken just a minute. Now add the parsley. (Have I mentioned how much I dislike what my stores have lately?) and taste it to make sure it has enough salt and pepper.
Pour the sauce over the steaks (careful to not give MY steak to the Fireman, because I do not want his steak) and ooh and ahh as you eat!
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