I crave Chinese food. Panda Express finally opened up in our town and I think I was the happiest person. I have attempted to makes it homemade only a couple times and to be honest it was only ok. And then I came across this recipe on
Pinterest and thought I would give it a try. It wasn't very many ingredients which I think is one of the draw backs for making homemade Chinese food. It was not only a hit but requested just about every week after. I also made
some homemade fried rice which I will blog later that also was to die for! This is a keeper!!!
Sweet and Sour Chickenrecipe adapted from House 344from the recipe "Sweet and Sour Chicken" 3 whole Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts
(I used 6 boneless, skinless thighs since you are frying and then baking and I didn't want tough chicken.)Salt And Pepper
1 cup Cornstarch
2 whole Eggs, Lightly Beaten
¼ cups Canola Oil
¾ cups Sugar
4 Tablespoons Ketchup
½ cups Vinegar
1 Tablespoon Soy Sauce
1 tsp. Garlic Salt
Cut chicken breasts into chunks. Season with salt and pepper. Dip chicken in cornstarch and then in egg. Fry in a little oil until browned on all sides but not cooked through. Place in a single layer in a baking dish.
Mix sauce ingredients together and pour over chicken.
(I made a double batch of sauce to pour over the chicken rather than make extra on the stove top)Bake for one hour at 325 degrees F. Turn chicken every 15 minutes. If you like extra sauce, make another batch of sauce and bring it to a boil on the stovetop. Stir constantly and let cook over medium heat until thickened and reduced, about 6 to 8 minutes.
Ok so here is all the goodies you need for that sticky yummy sauce!! The smell of the sauce is too much. I caught the smell on a kitchen towel the next day and was sad I didnt have any leftovers. Make sure you double the sauce.

Get your eggs ready in a dipping pan, I use an old cake pan

Same for the cornstarch

Get your sauce ready. I did it in a mixing bowl. This first time I made it I did not double the sauce. It was yummy as hell but needed more sauce. The next time I made it I smarted up and double the sauce.

Dont think that you can dip egg rolls in this quite yet. If you are thinking that, cook it on the stove.

I toss all the chicken into the cornstarch at once.

Then piece by piece roll into the egg and into the frying pan with oil. Fry until just yellow. You aren't going going for golden brown. It will go into the oven and crisp up and soak up the sauce

Just barely get it crispy

Onto a cookie sheet. Cover with the sauce and cook as directed. I didnt cook as long. It was done in about 30 minutes.

This is 30 minutes later. My family was begging to dish it up. You can see why it needs more sauce.


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