If I had to assign burgers to each state, I would give this one to California. So much of our cuisine is Mexican food. I could personally eat Mexican food 365 days a year. I'm actually accused of cooking too much Mexican dishes (by my family of course) but I'm also accused of cooking too much southern dishes. Yet they keep eating my food. Go figure!
Back to my burger. Ahh burgers. Who doesn't like burgers? Add some bacon and some guacamole and I am definitely in heaven. The avocado is so creamy and pairs so nice with the salty bacon and burger.
Guacamole Bacon Burger
First you need to bake some bacon. Yes bake! I don't stand over a stove with bacon popping all over the place. This is by far the easiest way and the easiest clean up.

Second cook up some burgers. No I'm not going to tell you how to make burgers. BBQ, pan fry or broil. Just make sure you use some kosher salt, pepper and some garlic powder. Why kosher salt? It's awesome and if you switch to it you will definitely taste a difference. Plus the kosher salt makes this crusty flavor that table salt doesn't give. Make sure you melt some cheese on top too!

Third, make some guacamole!

Take two beautiful avocados and spoon into a bowl. Add one lime, salt, pepper and 3 TB of either salsa or in my case hot sauce. Yes hot sauce. Completely addictive and yet you aren't eating with tortilla chips but I dare you to resist. No this isn't the guacamole I make for chips but equally good.

Lastly make some secret sauce! What's in secret sauce? I can't tell you! It's a secret. Naaah!! just mix some mayo and ketchup till a pretty pink. But that's a secret. Some add relish or mustard. We like it simple.
Now pile ALL onto toasted buns and you have the perfect California Burger!

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