Friday, February 15, 2013

Roasted Brussel Sprouts & Apples

So everyone is hopefully recovered or recovering from Valentines Day. I am back on on my healthy eating. I try to eat under a certain calorie limit a day and at times it feels like it's anything goes. I generally try to be good so I can savor that one glass of wine a day. I made this a while back with pork. Many like to have applesauce with pork. I personally wasn't raised with that tradition but thought I would try to see what all the fuss was about. I didn't like brussel sprouts growing up, in fact I despised them, but have since found that I can roast any vegetable and find it to be my favorite. In fact you don't even have to have fresh, frozen will work, although I haven't tried it in this particular recipe.

Roasted Brussel Sprouts & Apples
1 package fresh Brussel Sprouts
1 apple
1 lemon
salt and pepper

Start by spraying a cooking sheet with cooking spray and the slice brussel sprouts in half and cube up the apple. If you are afraid to salt and pepper everything, then salt and pepper the brussel sprouts before adding the apple. I didnt care. Sweet does well with salt and pepper.
 Squeeze lemon all over the veggies
 Roast in a preheated 425 degree oven flipping when the veggies/fruit is brown on one side. I like mine pretty brown so I really let them caramelize.
 I mean what is not to love about this?

 I could eat this for dinner and forget the pork!

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