Friday, February 8, 2013

Roasted Beet Salad

It is a known fact in my house I do not like beets. My daughter loves them. My husband loves them. I cant handle the smell of them. If we do to a restaurant and they are on a salad I will kindly move mine to my sweet husband's dish, knowing how he will appreciate them. (He does the same thing with raw tomatoes.) When my CSA delivery service had beets in it, The Fireman was thrilled. Me, not so much. Researching online, I was told that I would like them roasted homemade. They would taste different. Sweet. Not like dirt. They were right. Now I don't want to order them on salads but I will have them homemade. And next year when they come in my bag of goodies I will look into making brownies or cakes out of them.

Roasted Beet Salad
recipe adapted from BLOSSER URBAN GARDEN
2 Beets
olive oil
Dijon mustard
walnut pieces (about 1 TB per salad)

I have to admit the smell was disturbing to me and I questioned making the dish but being a foodie will try anything once.
Cut off the greens and scrub clean. Beets can and will stain anything and everything. After scrubbing clean and patting dry with a paper towel, I laid on the foil I was going to cook into.
Once on the foil drizzle with a little olive oil. I actually took one hand and made sure it was covered with the oil and then salted.
Fold up the foil leaving space for it to steam
place on a cookie sheet
Roast 400 degrees for about 45 minutes or until a fork pierces easily (think of checking a baked potato)
See! Fork tender!
I made my beets in the morning so they would be cool for the salad. I wasnt sure if I was ready for hot beets. I like to make dressings in mason jars. Just mix
juice of one lemon
1 tsp Dijon
1 tb honey
about 1/4 cup olive oil (I dont really measure)
salt and pepper
shake up

Arrange baby greens on a plate or bowl, slice beets and arrange, add about 1 oz goat cheese to each salad and sprinkle with walnuts. Drizzle 1 TB dressing over the salad

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