Monday, January 28, 2013

Low Carb Turkey (or Chicken) Enchiladas

So we know I am always late with my posts, I thought about saving this for next Thanksgiving but this screams JANUARY! After Thanksgiving I needed to lighten up my dishes. I had been on a weekend of heavy dishes and if I was going to lose any more weight ever or not gain any of the weight I lost, I needed to get off the Turkey day calorie over load. The beauty of this recipe is that it works for not only turkey but chicken. I happen to be in a house with a child that hates enchiladas. I is this child related to me? I could live off enchiladas every day! But with only two adults eating enchiladas it makes a perfect opportunity to freeze some for a night when I am too busy to cook. The way I developed this recipe 1 enchilada  was 255 calories. If you are counting calories make sure to add up the calories and make sure with the ingredients you buy you get the same calculations. Different brands have different calorie counts.

Low Carb Turkey (or Chicken) Enchiladas
2 cups reduced fat Mexican Cheese
2 cups turkey or chicken meat (rotisserie meat would work great here)
1 small can green enchilada sauce
10 TB fat free sour scream
Low carb tortillas
Put the meat in a bowl. I like the turkey or chicken nice and chopped up small. If you like it larger then go big.
Add the sour cream. Trust me, when counting calories, you want creamy and cheesy.
Add 1 cup of the cheese
Mix well
I have some of these aluminum trays. These are the 8x8 size. I dont toss them after I use them but just scrub them and store for the next time. One is for tonight and one for the freezer.
Normally I would just dip in the pan I am rolling the tortillas in but it is so small that a pie pan is needed. Pour enough sauce to cover the bottom of the 8x8 baking pan and about 1/2 cup in the pie pan. you can always add more if you run out
These are the low carb tortillas I found. I went for the ones with the least amount of calories and sodium.
Now dip both sides of the tortilla
add 1/2 cup of the turkey or chicken mixture to the tortilla
roll it up and move to one side of the pan
repeat the process until the pan is filled
Cover with 1/2 cup of cheese and repeat the process for the second pan. Take whatever remaining sauce is leftover and drizzle over the enchiladas. Bake 350 degrees (preheated) for 30 minutes. Now if you freeze this for another night, bake for 45 minute to an hour
Add a salad with a low calorie dressing and you have a very satisfying meal for low calories

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