Thursday, December 20, 2012

PW Cinnamon Rolls done my way (of course)

It has become pretty customary to have The Fireman work either Christmas or Christmas Eve. Our kids being older, we just reschedule the holiday, having our Christmas dinner either on Christmas eve or night depending which night he is off. I try to make something special if he is working Christmas day for the kids even if we have celebrated the day before. Put appetizers out on the bar all day. Little snack foods that we can pick at. Last year I tried my hand at a new cinnamon roll recipe, taking trays to The Fireman and family. This recipe makes a TON so if you are not going to share with family I recommend that you half the recipe which I should have done even with passing it out. I could have given it to every neighbor and still had leftovers. I also didn't follow her recipe to a tee. I don't know why that surprises you, but she covers her rolls with a maple coffee icing and frankly that didn't appeal to me. And even after making just a standard icing I would the next time cut down on the amount of sugar she (I) puts in the inside. They were just too sweet for my liking, but The Fireman ate an entire tray. So that could just be me.

PW Cinnamon Rolls done my way (of course)

recipe adapted by Ree Drummond
Pioneer Woman Cooks

1 quart Whole Milk
1 cup Vegetable Oil
1 cup Sugar
2 packages Active Dry Yeast, 0.25 Ounce Packets
8 cups (Plus 1 Cup Extra, Separated) All-purpose Flour
1 teaspoon (heaping) Baking Powder
1 teaspoon (scant) Baking Soda
1 Tablespoon (heaping) Salt
Plenty Of Melted Butter
2 cups Sugar
Generous Sprinkling Of Cinnamon
1 bag Powdered Sugar
2 teaspoons Maple Flavoring
½ cups Milk
¼ cups Melted Butter
¼ cups Brewed Coffee
⅛ teaspoons Salt

Pioneers Directions:

For the dough, heat the milk, vegetable oil, and sugar in a medium saucepan over medium heat to just below a boil. Set aside and cool to warm. Sprinkle the yeast on top and let it sit on the milk for 1 minute.

Add 8 cups of the flour. Stir until just combined, then cover with a clean kitchen towel, and set aside in a relatively warm place for 1 hour. After 1 hour, remove the towel and add the baking powder, baking soda, salt, and the remaining 1 cup flour. Stir thoroughly to combine. Use the dough right away, or place in a mixing bowl and refrigerate for up to 3 days, punching down the dough if it rises to the top of the bowl. (Note: dough is easier to work with if it’s been chilled for at least an hour or so beforehand.)

Preheat the oven to 375°F.

To assemble the rolls, remove half the dough from the pan/bowl. On a floured baking surface, roll the dough into a large rectangle, about 30 x 10 inches. The dough should be rolled very thin.

To make the filling, pour 3/4 cup to 1 cup of the melted butter over the surface of the dough. Use your fingers to spread the butter evenly. Generously sprinkle half of the ground cinnamon and 1 cup of the sugar over the butter. Don’t be afraid to drizzle on more butter or more sugar! Gooey is the goal.

Now, beginning at the end farthest from you, roll the rectangle tightly towards you. Use both hands and work slowly, being careful to keep the roll tight. Don’t worry if the filling oozes as you work; that just means the rolls are going to be divine. When you reach the end, pinch the seam together and flip the roll so that the seam is face down. When you’re finished, you’ll wind up with one long buttery, cinnamony, sugary, gooey log.

Slip a cutting board underneath the roll and with a sharp knife, make 1/2-inch slices. One “log “will produce 20 to 25 rolls. Pour a couple of teaspoons of melted butter into disposable foil cake pans and swirl to coat. Place the sliced rolls in the pans, being careful not to overcrowd. (Each pan will hold 7 to 9 rolls.)

Repeat the rolling/sugar/butter process with the other half of the dough and more pans. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Cover all the pans with a kitchen towel and set aside to rise on the countertop for at least 20 minutes before baking. Remove the towel and bake for 15 to 18 minutes, until golden brown. Don’t allow the rolls to become overly brown.

While the rolls are baking, make the maple icing: In a large bowl, whisk together the powdered sugar, milk, butter, coffee, and salt. Splash in the maple flavoring. Whisk until very smooth. Taste and add in more maple, sugar, butter, or other ingredients as needed until the icing reaches the desired consistency. The icing should be somewhat thick but still very pourable.

Remove pans from the oven. Immediately drizzle icing over the top. Be sure to get it all around the edges and over the top. As they sit, the rolls will absorb some of the icing’s moisture and flavor. They only get better with time… not that they last for more than a few seconds.
Ok so I had a blonde moment...don't judge. I literally stood in the kitchen thinking how many cups are in a quart. Pulled out my cook book and 4 cups are to a quart. I can hear my grandmother in my ear.
Then I had a DUH moment when it was on my measuring cup. (shaking my head)

For the dough, heat the milk, vegetable oil, and sugar in a medium saucepan over medium heat to just below a boil.

Set aside and cool to warm. Sprinkle the yeast on top and let it sit on the milk for 1 minute.
It becomes foamy
Add 8 cups of the flour. Stir until just combined

Honestly at this point I was thinking WTF?? This looks so weird...
then cover with a clean kitchen towel (I used a lid), and set aside in a relatively warm place for 1 hour.
After 1 hour, remove the towel (or lid) and add the baking powder, baking soda, salt, and the remaining 1 cup flour. Stir thoroughly to combine.

Now I am thinking this looks more like a dough.
Use the dough right away, or place in a mixing bowl and refrigerate for up to 3 days, punching down the dough if it rises to the top of the bowl. (Note: dough is easier to work with if it’s been chilled for at least an hour or so beforehand.)
So I put mine in the refrigerator overnight and was shocked to see it in the morning!!
Good Golly Ms Molly!!!
Ok so we will be rolling out on my kitchen table
Sprinkle some four out
To assemble the rolls, remove half the dough from the pan/bowl. On a floured baking surface, roll the dough into a large rectangle, about 30 x 10 inches. The dough should be rolled very thin.

To make the filling, pour 3/4 cup to 1 cup of the melted butter over the surface of the dough. Use your fingers to spread the butter evenly. Generously sprinkle half of the ground cinnamon and 1 cup of the sugar over the butter. Don’t be afraid to drizzle on more butter or more sugar! Gooey is the goal. (Personally I think it is too much butter and next time would use less)

I didnt measure on the sugar. How do you considering. I just sprinkled.
In hindsight maybe I should have used less sugar.
Oh well she said oohy gooey was the goal
Now, beginning at the end farthest from you, roll the rectangle tightly towards you. Use both hands and work slowly, being careful to keep the roll tight. Don’t worry if the filling oozes as you work; that just means the rolls are going to be divine. When you reach the end, pinch the seam together and flip the roll so that the seam is face down. When you’re finished, you’ll wind up with one long buttery, cinnamony, sugary, gooey log.
(Mind you Mrs Pioneer Woman is not cleaning up this mess. After I cleaned up for the second roll, I made less mess for the second roll)

As if you havent used enough butter, butter your pans
pinch the seam together and flip the roll so that the seam is face down
Slip a cutting board underneath the roll and with a sharp knife, make 1/2-inch slices. One “log “will produce 20 to 25 rolls. (I didnt use a cutting board)
Place into the baking pans and place covered (most over with tea towels but I find plastic wrap works fine) next to a warm undrafty area. For me that is the oven. Let rise at least 20 minutes but I found that it was not long enough and that is probably due to the amount of cinnamon in my filling. Cinnamon and yeast are not friends so I let mine go for another 20.

Now they look better.
Remove the towel and bake for 15 to 18 minutes, until golden brown. Don’t allow the rolls to become overly brown. While baking make the glaze that will cover it. I used her above recipe but used milk and vanilla to thin it.

Pour over the warm brown rolls.

Maybe you should wait for them to cool just a tab but the kids wouldn't let me...and that is my story and I am sticking to it!!
Merry Christmas

1 comment:

  1. That is a ton of cinnamon rolls. They look great and maple frosting sounds so flavorful.
