I have have seen these all over the internet lately. First, introduced by my friend SL who made them for breakfast the first morning back from Christmas break. She tortured us with the pictures on Facebook. The Fireman says I'm addicted to Facebook. (nut uh!!) I stored the idea away, thinking it was too long or too much work for a weekday. The Ballplayer gets out of the house too early for this recipe. I kept seeing this on pinterest. Have you been on pinterest? I don't think The Fireman has seen pinterest yet or he'd realize I'm mildly addicted to the pictures. Each time I saw the egg dish I remembered "oh I need to try that.." so finally this weekend I tried to recreate it. Needless to say, we had it for breakfast, and then lunch. Breakfast was good but overcooked which The Ballplayer was happy with but I prefer the yolk to be creamy. But that didn't stop me from eating it at breakfast. Another change I made the second go around was to butter the Tins. Don't get me wrong the bread tastes just fine with the non stick no calorie spray that won't stick to my hips but it's Sunday morning and I've been good all week and want to feel like the little cupcake is an indulgence. It's only a little butter. The last change is to sprinkle cheese on top of the egg. Now if you really read my blog you know The Ballplayer is anti cheese 90% of the time. Sometimes he surprises me and asks for cheese (full moon?) but I have to insist the cheese stay in this recipe for him. Or he eats the egg a little less done. The oven created a crust on the egg. The cheese protected it. He could peel the cheese off. Give it a try.
Muffin Tin Eggs
you can make this for as many or little as you please. I am making four to start
4 eggs
4 pieces bread (I am using whole wheat because my family prefers it)
4 pieces of bacon
1/2 cup of cheese
cooking spray
Muffin tin
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