You may not think beer when you think of turkey but after you try this you will. This came about this summer (and I am only now sharing it) because I was eating the stockpile of food in my freezer. I was down to the turkeys. I love turkey! My favorite way to cook it is brining but it takes forever!! Come to think of it, I've cooked a bird just about every way marinated, brined, bagged, basted with wine, with butter...why not beer too!! The beer gives the same juicy results And this is simple. Yes simple. Promise!
Beer Basted Turkey
1 cube Butter (salted)
1 orange zested
1 clove of garlic chopped
3 Beers (better get a 12 pack because the cook and the cooks helpers might need one)
Leave the bird in your fridge for about three days to defrost. DO NOT DEFROST ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER.
Unwrap your bird in a CLEAN sink. Rinse the bird with cold water. Your bird hopefully has a bunch of STUFF inside the bird. Pull it all out and save it. The neck and organs can be used for gravy. I like to have a stack of paper towels to dump the bird onto. Pat the bird dry. PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP AND WATER AFTER EACH TIME YOU TOUCH THE BIRD.
If you have a Turkey pan with the racks, then great but if not then just use a deep cookie sheet. Line the bottom of the pan with celery, carrots and onions (1 onion)
Now take the lemon or orange and stuff it inside the front and back of the bird.
oil the outside of the bird and sprinkle salt and pepper all over the bird. Most birds come trussed already with a plastic ring holding the legs together. That is fine. Leave it on. If you do not have the plastic holder on your bird, you can take some kitchen twine and tie them together. If you have none, don't freak out! it can be cooked without. It just isn't as pretty.
Here is the technical part. I cook my bird at 400 degrees. Cook the bird 15 minutes per pound. If the top of the bird gets too brown, cover (tent) with foil for the remainder of the cooking. I will baste the bird every 30-45 minutes. But you could baste only once an hour and it would still taste great!
Let the bird rest for 15 minutes.
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