The ballplayer has a buddy that dislikes beans. So we usually make sure he has a meat only chili for chili dogs. Since the ballplayer didn't like cheese for the last four years,(he's just coming around but only "expensive cheese") there is no teasing over the loss of beans.
In high school my first friend in a new high school in Idaho was Christy. I have yet to find her online. Her family was different from mine. They ate as a family every night. They took vitamins with their dinner. They ate chili over spaghetti. I wanted her family! Well less the vitamins.
Chili spaghetti2 - 2 1/2 pounds of hamburger
6 cups of water
1 small can tomato paste (I think there is only one size)
2 TB garlic powder
1 1/2 tsp onion powder
2 tsp smoked paprika
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp cayenne
1 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp pepper
2 tsp chipotle chili pepper
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp cumin
1 dry chili mix could be substituted for the spices. If you wish.
Place the raw Hamburger in a big soup pan. Cover with 6 cups of water.

Add garlic power salt and pepper. Let boil for two hours.

Add tomato paste and and all the spices .

Simmer two hours uncovered.

It will cook down to a nice thick consistency. I had to skim some of the fat off. I should have used a less fatty hamburger meat but I am cheap.
Pour over spaghetti with cheese and green onions.

For my non beef lovers-ground turkey can be substituted.

I also need to address some awards!!! In the last week, I was given TWO Versatile Blogger Awards! One from my buddy Angela at Fab Find Foodie. And the other one from Lucy at Lucy's Soup Can. I also received A Blog with Substance award from Home Sweet Farm! I can not tell you how much of an honor this is! I am just a housewife that likes to cook and thought it would be fun to share it. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think anyone would read my blog.
The guidelines for accepting this award require the recipient to (1) thank the person who gave it to you; (2) tell 7 things about yourself; and (3) pass the award on to 15 bloggers, whom you have recently discovered and think are fantastic.
7 things about myself??? That's a tough one!
1. My husband calls me "Red" and has since our very first date. I have bright red hair. I guess the nickname fits. I do not like anyone else to call me "Red" and get miffed when any of his buddy's call me it!
2. I am a reality TV junky. If the Real House wives are on, do not bug me!
3. I am obsessed with shoes. My daughter has teased me that the name of my blog should have included my stilettos. Not that I cook in them but I LOVE them!
4. I love to entertain. I didn't always. There was a time that I would give myself hives over it. Now I cant wait for th next BBQ or get together.
5. I can not make a home made cake if my life depended on it! Betty and Duncan always have to help me out!
6. I live ten minutes from the beach but hate going to the beach. All that sand!!! And our water is soooo cold!! I prefer the lake!
7. I love to sing along to anything. It bugs the bejeezes out of my kids. No matter! I have the remote control!! I figure its my car/TV/iPod and if I wanna sing along, I will!! I sang in choirs all through high school. I enjoy it!
Now the recipients!! All amazing blogs!!! All Blogs I am OBSESSED with!!!
1. Pam at
Pam's Midwest Kitchen Korner2.
Busy Working Mama3. Annie at
Annie Bakes4. Tiffanie at
One Crazy Cookie5.
The Overloaded Mommy6. Dennis at
More than a Mount full7.
Ma What's for Dinner?8.
Boobies, Babies and A Blog9. Catherine at
Living the Gourmet10.Lily at
Adventures of a Military Family11.
Me Myself and Pie12.
Family Stamping and Food13.
Little Bitty SpiceCakes14.
Mama Bird's Nest15.
Babe's Rockin Mami