Sunday, November 1, 2015


I've been away from blogging for quite a while and I know that's quite a sin in the blogging community but and I'm going to try a little bit different approach. The Fireman and I are now empty-nesters and we are embracing this with double fists. We've been trying to get away on as many little vacations as we possibly can for the last six months and there are many changes in our family, many!

First, The Torured Teenager is in her fifth and final year at college and preparing to go to law school this is a huge accomplishment because one day I may need her as a lawyer because I jaywalk a lot. The Baseball Player is now graduated from Boot Camp and at AIT at Fort Sill and awaiting orders to go to his base in Hawaii..lucky little bastard. Although deployment is looming around the corner and something that I'm going to have to face once again as we did with our oldest boy but we'll get through it just like we did before.

You will notice I rarely write about our older two children and it's because they are grown and I chose to protect their privacy although we are very proud of them and all their accomplishments. Our oldest daughter is finishing up her psych major which she's already using on her younger siblings. After raising four kids I will be her first patient. Our oldest boy just finished playing tight end for Uncle Sam. You might see them sneak into some of my travel blog posts in the future.

Being an empty Nester I have to admit I don't do as much cooking as I used to so we're going to move onto the "shenanigans" part of my blog and it'll have to do more with traveling, they'll be lots of food involved because we still eat but I hope you enjoy.


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