Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Roasted Artichoke Hearts and Cauliflower

I am one of those strange people that has decided I like vegetables. I know, I am odd. But I dont just like the standard green beans, corn and peas, which are all quite yummy by the way, but I have branched off into the kale, artichoke hearts and cauliflower. So now that I like it all. It's this experiment to see what I can combine together. Most of the time my family just shakes their head and takes a scoop and I scoop the rest on my plate. Happier to have half a plate of veggies and a little protein. I know, I am strange. The only time this vegetable rule does not apply is if potatoes are anywhere in the vicinity. All bets are off then.

I am addicted to Trader Joes frozen artichoke hearts. If there is a meeting for them, I'm not going. I don't want to be freed of this addiction. I can throw them on a pan with a little olive oil spray and some seasoning and  into the oven and have pretty much a meal for me. Add some pasta and maybe The Fireman is happier. The Ballplayer won't touch them so if his dad is working I just scored!! Tonight I am roasting them with Cauliflower. The combination is amazing and even The Fireman agrees. Cauliflower when roasted tastes sorta like roasted potatoes.

Roasted Artichoke Hearts and Cauliflower
1 bag frozen artichoke hearts
1 head of cauliflowersliced
Cooking Spray
Creole Seasoning

Spray your cookie sheet with cooking spray and line the cookie sheet with the frozen artichoke hearts and sliced cauliflower. I had too much so I had to use two trays.
 season with Creole seasoning. I like to use the salt free variety and add my own salt
 Roast at 400 degrees and flip when the one side is golden brown. I like it really brown.


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