I am OBSESSED with roasting vegetables. The type of vegetable doesn't matter as long as it roasted in the oven. Roasting created this "fried" sweet taste that fools my mind I to thinking I am eating naughty food. I like naughty food. In reality there are little calories in these vegetables. Lately I even have discarded my trusty olive oil for some cooking spray. Even less calories. More room in my calorie spending for eating and I like to eat.
I am known for cooking with my trusty Fireman's Seasoning. It's a favorite. But lately I am experimenting with other flavors. When I was a kid, my mother would make this disgusting curry meal. Ruined my taste for curry so it took a lot of bravery for me to play with curry. This is nothing like the glump my mother made. Bad taste memory gone.
Curried Roasted Cauliflower
This is another side dish that is just too easy. All you need is;
1 head of cauliflower broken into small florets (trust me, keep them small)
curry powder
salt and pepper
cooking spray
Place the cauliflower on a sprayed cooking sheet. Sprinkle generously salt and pepper. Then sprinkle the curry powder. Don't worry, it will taste good. Trust me!
Roast in a 425 degree preheated oven for about 20 minutes. I like to flip them half way. I like them really roasted and toasted!!
I too love roasted vegetables! It brings out their natural sweetness. This recipe sounds delish...