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Friday, May 28, 2010

Oven Ribs

Mother Nature fooled me today. It is May and it raining on the West Coast. I don't remember it ever raining this late in spring. Not that I mind because ultimately rain equates to a full lake. And a full lake equates to a fun summer. I didn't check the weather report. And not wanting to watch the news is a bad excuse when your phone will show the weather without the headlines. So it was on to Plan B. Growing up in the mountains, I remember my grandma making ribs in the winter. Not that snow or rain has ever stopped my family from bbqing but there were times that she would make them in the oven. This takes it to the next level.

This in no way is better than The Fireman's BBQ ribs. There is nothing like cooking them over a smokey fire but this is a great way if you do not have a BBQ.

Oven Ribs
1 package of baby back pork ribs
Your favorite seasoning
Season ribs with your favorite BBQ seasoning. I am using Santa Maria Style Susie Q
Stack the ribs on top of each other and wrap in foil. Bake at 400 degrees for an hour and half

Remove from the oven and place on a very hot grill pan that has been sprayed with cooking spray. Cover with your favorite BBQ sauce and let caramelize.

I'm using a peach apricot sauce but good ole fashioned BBQ sauce would be fine. I am using the peach apricot sauce because The Ballplayer likes it. And frankly getting him to eat is a chore!


Unknown said...

Oh, Yummmm!
Following from Friday Follow me.
Glad to have found you!

furygirl3132 said...

Yum, these ribs sure do sound and look good, thanks for sharing! I am a new follower from Blog Hop Friday, hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend!


Lucy's Soup Can said...

Hello. Just stopping in from Friday Follow Me and am now following you!

These look fantastic!

cheri said...

this looks yummy!

from friendly follow :)

Anonymous said...

Following you from Friendly Follow! Glad I got a chance to be introduced to your blog - yum.
Deals and reviews from a stay-at-home mother of 1

Pam said...

The ribs look delicious. We are having them for dinner tonight and I cook mine similarly. Great dish!

Pinching Abe said...

Hi, I came here via Friendly Friday. I'm your newest Google Friend. Hope you can get the chance to stop by and see me at my blog sometime soon :)

Looks yummy!

My Wee View said...

Thanks so much for linking up for the Fun Follow Fridays. I hope that you found some new blogs to follow and that you got some new followers as well!

Please make sure to link up again Next week.

Thanks again,

Lynette & Stacie

Pixel Berry Pie Designs said...

Hi, I'm a new follower of your blog {from the Fun Follow Friday}... would love it if you stop by and visit me. Thanks!

Paula@One Mom's Corner of the World said...

These ribs look really good! I'm visiting from Fun Follow Friday. I'm a new follower. said...

Great blog!! Am following you from Fun Follow Friday.

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