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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Simple Salsa

Some food traditions are more celebrated in our home than others. I personally can't wait for St. Patty’s day but my kids don't share my enthusiasm. They tolerate it to say the least. But Taco Tuesday is one they live for. My kids look forward to it! They remind me to make salsa. Heaven forbid I don't make salsa! My kids have become salsa snobs of sorts.

Salsa is easy enough to make. It’s cheap and you can make it your own. It stores for over a week if my family doesn’t eat it all the day I make it!! Now, I don’t like all salsas. In fact, I don’t like many salsas. I don’t like them very chunky. I don’t like them vinegary. Ewww!! I like my salsa simple with simple ingredients. But the great thing about salsa is that you can change it up! Everyone of my friends have a salsa recipe! Some roast the peppers, some add chilis that are hotter than hell, and some add canned chilis. And each one of them will tell you that their salsa recipe is the best! But give this a try!

Simple Salsa
1 can (29 oz) whole peeled tomatoes, drained
1 can (29 oz) diced tomatoes, drained
½ yellow onion chopped
Two gloves garlic chopped
One cup cilantro leaves
3 jalapeno diced
Juice of one lime
1 tsp kosher salt

I like to get my cutting board and my food processor pretty close together.
Dump the chopped onion.


Cilantro...let's talk cilantro! I'm a bit a freak about cilantro. Most just shave it off the stems but I pull the leaves off the stems. I don't like the stems.

Cilantro is one of those herbs you either love or hate, but I figure is one leaf away from being related to the Shamrock so it's OK! If it's a bit too strong for you, start with a 1/4 of what I call for and add more if you can tolerate it.

Now the Jalapenos. Chop up 2 of the 3 jalapenos, seeds and all. Don’t worry, if this red head can handle it, you can too! Reserve the third jalapeno. Blame The Fireman! He likes the texture of being able to bite into it. If it scares you, dump it into the pot now.

lime juice (notice in the picture, it is missing! My tree is bare this week! Too many cervesas with lime last week!)
and the drained can of whole tomatoes. DO NOT ADD THE DICED TOMATOES!!

Now pulse until mixed

Personally, this is how I like my salsa!

but the Fireman and The Tortured Teenager…they like a little more texture. Whatever! So I add the third jalapeno, chopped finely and the can of drained diced tomatoes.

I cant keep my hands out of it to take pictures. You don’t mind, right?

We like these chips the best! They are local! Wish they would give me some to share with y'all (hint hint)

How do you like your salsa? Chunky, or smooth? Hot or Mild?


Miller Moments said...

mmmm, I love homemade salsa. I'll have to give this one a go. Tonight I took some of our chicken (that I roasted yesterday) and threw it in my crock pot with salsa, black beans, corn, etc and it's simmering away today. Homemade salsa and chips on the side would be the perfect companion. :)

Meg @ A Dash of Nutmeg said...

My fiancee is also a fireman and boy doe he like his food hot. I am sure he would approve of this recipe. He loves salsa and it's so much more economical to make it at home than to buy it!

Meg @ A Dash of Nutmeg said...

I'm back to let you know that I added Shamrocks and Shenanigans to my blogroll on ADON!

Catherine said...

I've never tried making homemade salsa but this looks wonderful!
I'll have to try this! Thank you for visiting! Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Unknown said...

Oh this looks soooooo yummy! I like my salsa just about any way it is fixed as long as it has good flavor. I will have to give this recipe a try :)

Sandy said...

your salsa looks so good.. I will try it for sure... thanks for visiting my blog today.. I'm a FF also...

Jennifer K said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm going to have to try this salsa sometime! Yummy! I'm a new follower.

Unknown said...

Yum! Even my baby likes salsa. But I have never made it myself. Things may be changing!

sheila said...

This recipe looks so good. I love salsa. Thanks for visiting my blog. Always nice to meet new blogging friends. hope to get to know you better. Im Gourmet Cupboard Distributor. I will try this recipe!

Fab Find Foodie said...
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Fab Find Foodie said...

Hey great idea with the canned tomatoes for salsa!!!!!! Looks YUMMY!!
I like a happy medium, not too thin or too chunky! I'm complicated. LOL

Rebecca D said...

I love fresh salsa! Thanks for popping by my blog... I'm following you back now!

Bonnie said...

Love homemade salsa! Yummmm now you have me craving more. Oh and I am crazy about my cilantro too... no stems in mine either! :)

Chunky and medium hot is how I like my salsa!! Ohhh I'm going to get some right now... it's almost lunchtime.

Happy April!!


Sarah AKA The Thriftress said...

Looks soooo delicious! I'm your newest follower!

Katie said...

I'm going to have to try this, tortilla chips are on sale right now. :) (Nice to meet you, btw!)

- said...

Boy does this salsa look good, and I like that it is simple to make, and that you don't need a lot of ingredients to chop, nor do you to cook it. Now all I need is a food processor, so I could make it. Aricka, thanks so much for posting this recipe!!

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